Saturday, November 20, 2010



Hello friends and fam!

Well, it's the holiday season once again. As we turn our thoughts to family, friends and the many ways we have been blessed please take the time to remember those who have not been so lucky. I know that times are hard for all of us, but there is always a way to help others in need. If you can't make a donation, volunteer, if you can't volunteer the remember to pray for those in need.

And don't forget, people are ALWAYS in need, all year round and not just during the holidays.
In light of the season I will be on hiatus from updating this blog. Expect me back on the 25th of January and I pray by then the radio show will be back as well!

In keeping with the theme of this blog, I am going to post Written's blog for this month which has to do with the artists responsibility to his community and his world. I hope you will enjoy.

Happy Holidays from The Verb!
L. and Written

Hey people it’s Written!

First, I give glory to the almighty God through his son Jesus Christ. I love music and the world needs more responsible music. The world needs more responsible people to stand up instead of sitting down. However, how can we put out positive, responsible music when the audience isn’t buying it?

A lot of people say if you love it you don’t need to make money off of it. I agree, yet you still have to eat. Now, if going in the studio was free along with mastering, distribution and promotion, things would be different. Unfortunately, it’s not.

Every time you purchase hip hop or R&B that reduces women to the “B’ word or promotes gangs, crime and flashy living, you tell the industry you don’t want positive music. There are a lot of things going on in this world that artists should be speaking about.

Rush the Stage (If Hip Hop Spoke Vol. 2)
Feed me I’m needy/Livin in poverty got my thoughts being seedy/Being free is a matter of perspective/Bills is piling up life is getting more hectic/rich mothas want to beef on the streets I don’t respect it/Cause them glocks, them bullets, them vests cost a lot of money/And that can stop a family from being hungry/Every time you throw up Cris that’s money down the drain/At a grand a bottle that dough could take away a some families pain/What the heck was you thinking?/The hood starving, you buyin the bar to keep people, drink/What you think we riot for?/Not the rich but the ones who are forced to live poor/Welfare only pay so much/And right now the knot in your hands about to get your ass touched/Ya arm and ya jugular crushed/Don’t fuck with us/You, you, you know what’s up

In the middle of the city’s chaos and rage/When the struggle for whatever is the constant wage/Tell em Rush the Stage/Tell em Rush the Stage

The verses are self explanatory, but some won’t get it. A Lot of people are on microphones selling pipe dreams while my people live in poverty. But as the Bible says, “What good is it if a man gains the whole world and loses his own soul?”

Too many people starving and too many rappers feeding them lies. Hip hop and R&B, prepare because the Father will remember the greedy who feed off of the needy.
Till next blog stay in Christ’s truth and in peace but give the haters and the devils HELL!


1 comment:

  1. I actually came in search of Verbatim keyboard, google brought me here, anyways i love the articles!@Sara

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