Monday, October 25, 2010



Hello Friends and Fam!

Hope you have had a great month thus far! As always I have been very busy at being busy LOL. Do you ever find that you have so much to do that it seems you really aren't doing anything at all? These are the times I really have to focus and pray and realize that every little bit gets me closer to the goal.

Speaking of which--I know ya'll are probably wondering when the show is coming back, especially since I mention it in every blog. Don't worry, this is one of the goals that bit by bit I am getting closer to actualizing! Many of you are aware that The Verb and Verb Radio are subsidiaries of EWG aka Ellen Wright Group a creative services company founded by Written and me in 2007. Although bringing our beautiful friends, fam and fans mature, fun sexy radio is one of our biggest priorities, it is not the only project on our plates but just know that we love you and haven't forgotten you and we hope you haven't forgotten us!

This is a short blog for this month since I need to get cracking on those aforementioned projects but I would not let the month pass without saying hello and I miss you!

Be strong and be blessed.
Wishing you harmony!
L. Marrie

P.S. New blog posted here Written's Blog

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