Sunday, July 25, 2010


Hello Verb Family!
Can you believe summer is almost gone already? The weather here in LA is already starting to cool down and the summer sky is losing its golden glow. I haven’t even had one plate of BBQ or slice of watermelon, haven’t been to a picnic or the beach either. I can honestly say though as much as I love summer I just can’t take the heat anymore so I guess it’s a good thing fall is rapidly approaching. Since we haven’t spoken since May I hope you all had a great 4th of July.
Since I’ve been telling you what I haven’t done guess you’re wondering what IS she doing LOL. Well I am working on several projects; the main ones are promoting If Hip Hop Spoke, Written’s CD and working hard to get Verb Radio back on the air. If you haven’t checked out the music yet (shame on you) please go by and show Written some love. While you’re there don’t forget to sign up for the mailing list and street team. The website also has it’s own RSS feed you can sign up for so you will never be far from breaking news such as a new episode in And So It Is Written (new post today).
As far as getting Verb Radio up and running—it’s a challenge. Seems as though every time I overcome one obstacle another presents itself but ya’ll know me, I will make it work! I could really use some dedicated testers though, it would make things a lot easier and faster. All that’s required is an internet connection and speakers. I need a few folks who will be dedicated to logging onto the website Mon-Fri anytime between 7am-7pm as many times per day as possible and let me know if they are hearing the broadcast and if they are having any issues with the stream—that’s it. I may even be able to provide a small token for your dedication. If you’re interested drop me an email at
Well that’s about it for July! I will see you back here next month same time, same place, oh and if you have any BBQ or watermelon you can spare all donations proudly accepted. See you soon!

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